along with

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along with

英 [əˈlɔŋ wið]

美 [əˈlɔŋ wɪð]

along with基本解释



  • 网络解释

1. along with的意思

1. 同...一道(一起):allow of 容许(有...),容得 | along with 同...一道(一起) | and all that 诸如此类

2. 与...一起:allow for / / 考虑到 | along with / / 与...一起 | and so forth / / 等等

3. 和...一起,和...一道:leave alone 让...独自呆着;不打扰,不干预 | along with 和...一起,和...一道 | one after another 一个接一个,相继

4. 连同......一起:28. allow sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事 | 29. along with连同......一起, | 30. be angry with sb.生某人的气

  • 近义词
  • 临近词
Their sense of humour and ability to get along with people are two characteristics that compensate for their lack of experience.(他们的幽默感和与人相处的能力是弥补他们经验不足的两个特质。)
She'll never get along with him, I am sure of that!(她绝对不会和他和睦相处的,我敢肯定!)
In the 18th century art was seen, along with music and poetry, as something edifying.(在18世纪美术和音乐、诗歌一样被看作是具有启发作用的。)
The baby's mother escaped from the fire along with two other children.(这个婴儿的母亲和其他两个孩子一起从火里逃了出来。)
Six prisoners are still at large along with four dangerous recidivists.(六名犯人与四名危险惯犯一起仍潜逃在外。)
He was facing eviction, along with his wife and family.(他及其妻儿正面临着被驱逐。)
"I don't think a government has properly done it for about the past twenty-five years."—"I'd go along with that."(“我不认为在过去约25年里有政府妥善地处理过这个问题。”—“我赞同这一观点。”)
Sing along with the music player.(跟着音乐播放器唱歌。)
That blouse comes along with this vest.(那件女式上衣和这件背心是一套的。)
We listen to children's shows on the radio, and Janey can sing along with all the tunes.(我们听着收音机上的儿童演出节目,珍妮能跟着所有的曲子一起哼唱。)
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  • 高考真题例句
高考真题例句 OG 1.along with

The mirrors are controlled by a computer that directs them to turn along with the sun throughout the day and to close during windy weather.

这些镜子由一台电脑控制, 它可以引导它们全天跟随太阳转动, 并在有风的天气里关闭。


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